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The Stats link in the main menu provides various options/displays that summarise the current state of the database. Within each graph, the bar associated with the dataset can be clicked to see the data associated with each set. For example, within the screen breakdown per cell line view, each bar that is associated with a cell line can be clicked to obtain a list of screens associated with that cell line.

A list of the most significant genes within the database (with respect to rank) can be obtained. This list can be generated for any number of top hits (up to a maximum of 100) and saved into an Excel document by clicking the link beneath the table. The user can also view the compounds in this list as a batch search to see the score distribution accross different screens in the database. These lists are obtained by taking the most significant dataset for each compound within each screen, and averaging this accross the different screens. The compound has to be available in a minimum number (4) screens.

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