Assay Overview

Plate Format: 384 well

Assay Cell Culture


Origin: CRT
Cell Medium: HamsF12 + 10% FCS + 1% PenStrep
Cell Seeding Density Per Well: 1000

Delivery Protocol - Reverse/Wet transfection

Protocol: Mix siRNA in 2.5uL HBSS to 375nM concentration. Mix 0.05uL INTERFERin in 2.5uL OptiMEM. Mix together on plate and leave for 20 minutes. Add cells in 20ul/well.
Delivery Reagent: INTERFERin
Delivery Reagent Cat No: 409-50
Delivery Reagent Supplier: Polyplus
Delivery Reagent Batch No: 05INF0204G6
Delivery Reagent Concentration: 0.05ul/well
Silencing Reagent Concentration: 37.5nM
Silencing Reagent Supplier: Dharmacon
Silencing Reagent Origin: HTS lab

Assay Treatments

Cell Fixation

Fixed in 80% Ethanol overnight
long-term at -20C

Assay Staining

1 hour

Assay Readouts