Screen Status: Primary
Screen Overview: Overview
Screener: Barrie Peck (Schulze Lab).
Extension:2049, Rm 113
Library: Custom Order - Barrie
Library Description: Barrie's Custom Plate MCTMA 363141
Library Supplier: Dharmacon
Library Format: 1 plate(s) in 96 well format
Replicate Info: 3 replicates
Publications: Acetyl-CoA synthetase 2 promotes acetate utilization and maintains cancer cell growth under metabolic stress.. Schug et al., 2015
Keywords: Hypoxia, Metabolism, Normoxia, Viability
Cell Line: MDA-MB-468

Screen Method

Day 1: Cells reverse transfected

8 breast cancer cell lines and 4 prostate cancer cell lines are transfected using Lullaby with custom designed on-target plus metabolic enzymes library (Dharmacon) for 1 day under 10% serum / 1% serum culture media.

Day 2: The transfected cells are topped up with extra fresh media and cultured under normal and hypoxia condition for further 3 days.

Day 5: The plates are fixed with 80% EthOH and stained with DAPI.


Acumen Explorer eX3 laser scanning cytometer was used to determine cell number per well.